One clear objective of the Baltic Sea Region strategy is to foster R&D and business-related transnational collaboration. This includes innovation systems, clusters and SME networks.


During Science Link's first conference representatives of Ministries, Universities, Research Institutions, key political drivers and companies met in Krakow to learn about and discuss the conceptualization and procurement of a positive development in the area of Research Infrastructures and transnational collaboration.

The three main conference topics were:

  • The contribution of research infrastructures to the development of the Baltic Sea Region
  • How to secure a platform for the co-operation between the research infrastructures and industry, and how to secure a positive development for a smarter cooperation between them in the long term
  • The financing structure for an improved cooperation between science and industry, and users of the facilities (current and potential).

Parallel workshops gave the participants the opportunity to discuss these issues in greater depth.

More pictures from the conference, to Flickr

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